Resilient Borders and Supply Chains

This workstream will scrutinise the efficacy of current border trade processes and explore avenues of improvement, looking comparatively at other countries for inspiration.

We will work with industry leaders, NGOs, academia, and international organizations to share best practice and drive policy innovation in digital trade and border policy.

Our Current Areas of Focus

This page details our current areas of policy focus. These priorities will change over time so do check back for updates and use the Get Involved page to send any questions through to the secretariat.

Identifying and tackling challenges to investment

Targeted and strategic investment is crucial for long-term, sustained economic growth. This workstream will explore barriers to businesses choosing to invest in the UK and will delve into solutions so that the international stage is confident that the UK is open for business.

International Trade Relationships

This workstream explores the UK’s international trade relationships and how these can be further bolstered, particularly in relation to the relationship with the EU, a relationship which is under particular scrutiny in 2025.

Keep your eyes peeled for relevant events on our events page, as we facilitate events to foster positive cross-border trade relationships and foreign direct investment.

Supporting Small Businesses

We look forward to working with a range of partners to form positive industry-parliamentary allyship for the support of small businesses, engaged in international trade, performing topic-specific policy inquiries where relevant.

With the advent of the government’s Industrial Strategy, Trade Strategy and Small Business Strategy, it’s never been more important that policy priorities are decided effectively.